Anxiety is a common problem that can make life complicated, overwhelming, and unmanageable.

Maybe you have social anxiety or panic attacks. Perhaps you have a constant feeling of anxiety throughout your body and mind at all times. Perhaps you don’t want to get out of bed, or you can’t put a smile on your face no matter how hard you try. Life is meant to be enjoyed and rewarding. You can feel better. Let’s work together and use my wellness approach to get to the root cause of your anxiety and heal it deeply. It’s time to feel relief. You and I will use therapeutic tools so you can feel calm and relaxed in your body and feel safe and empowered in your mind. There are many causes of anxiety. We will discover the cause of your anxiety and use the most effective interventions to help you feel good.

Calm Women Enjoying Coffee on the Couch

Common Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety

Nobody experiences anxiety precisely the same, but here are some typical anxiety symptoms:

  • Trouble concentrating and focusing your attention. Sometimes, your mind goes blank at home or at work.

  • Obsession or rumination about a present concern or worry.

  • Having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom.

  • Being afraid to leave your home.

  • Uncomfortable body sensations include increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, or rapid breathing. 

  • Snapping at people because of being wound up and on edge.

  • Feeling weak, tired, and quickly exhausted makes you sad and less productive.

  • Avoiding people and situations because you’re afraid it will trigger anxiety or panicky feelings that will cause you to feel embarrassed.

  • Frequently visiting the doctor because of uncomfortable body sensations and feeling like you’re having a heart attack or a severe problem in your gut.

Does any of this describe you?  If so, are you ready to crush all these limitations?

I know you’re ready to dissolve your anxiety and feel better. The good news is that anxiety treatment is available in the comfort of your own home or office. Telehealth is an excellent option for busy professionals or moms.

Anxiety is a widespread concern for many people. Fortunately, it is highly treatable, and you can feel relief. Whether someone you know suffers from panic attacks, chronic stress, OCD, phobias, social anxiety, fear of public speaking, agoraphobia, or chronic butterflies, anxiety may be crippling and profoundly affect a person’s quality of life. Resolving one’s anxious feelings brings calm and clarity and frees up wasted energy that you can use to create the life you desire.  We’ll work together to reduce and eliminate your anxious feelings through various proven tools and techniques.  You and I will get to the root cause of your anxious feelings because there is a reason why they began. You weren’t born with anxiety, so perhaps it’s time to live without it. 

Anxiety Treatment Can Help You Gain Calm.

Anxiety treatment CAN help you gain calm.

Maybe you know someone who goes through their day feeling on edge or panicky.  Perhaps they turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with painful feelings or memories. Maybe they’re tired from a lack of sleep or thinking about how much better things would be if they weren’t here. For all one knows, they become numb or detached if life becomes too much for them.  It may be that they have a low sense of self-worth and have much negative self-talk.

You're sick of fighting the sense of impending catastrophe.

It started as a nervous thought. A minor concern that developed into a negative mental cycle. You are now held back by that tight knot in your chest that tells you, "I can't do this." You can't even sleep at night anymore. You could pay off your education loans plus interest if you had a nickel for every time you played the "what if" game. You only need three minutes of quiet mind. But even that seems to be too much to ask. Perhaps it's time to look into anxiety treatment solutions.

Clear Minds Psychotherapy is here to help you regain a sense of control.

Therapy Session for Anxiety & Panic

Therapy for anxiety and panic helps you in countless ways:

Life feels like a struggle now, but you can feel peaceful and relaxed daily. You can have control over your anxiety symptoms.  You can leave your house with confidence.  And I can assist you in getting there.

  • We’ll get to the root cause of your anxiety and heal all the triggers at a deep level so uncomfortable feelings, thoughts, and sensations no longer control you.  We won’t use a band-aid approach.

  • If insomnia is a problem, we’ll get you to sleep well since sleep is essential to good mental health.

  • We’ll retrain your body and mind to relax so you’re no longer ruled by worry, tension, or pain.

  • We’ll get you feeling confident so fear no longer gets in the way of how you live or make decisions in your life.

I’ll walk you through this process as we work together, customizing your treatment to your unique circumstances and needs.  My approach to anxiety therapy comes from personal experience with anxiety.  Life comes with a lot of constant worries and concerns.  Most people who start Anxiety Therapy feel like they are going around in circles, repeating negative emotions.  Maybe you know someone who feels frustrated that they still have frequent panic attacks or chronic anxiety even though they’ve been to counseling or tried to meditate to relax.

If this sounds true to you, I want you to know that you’re not “crazy,” and feeling worried, on edge, and afraid to put yourself in situations that cause anxiety is common, and it’s okay to ask for help.  Together we’ll get you feeling better.

I know you're ready to regain internal control, balance, and self-confidence

Biology of Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal and natural mental, physical, and behavioral state caused by an actual or possible threat to health or life. It can happen to both animals and people. It is marked by greater arousal, expectancy, activation of the autonomic nervous system and neuroendocrine system, and specific patterns of behavior. The goal of these changes is to make it easier to deal with something terrible or unplanned.

A little anxiety or stress can be beneficial. This is our body's natural reaction to potentially harmful conditions. So, if you're out in the woods and see a bear, you want your body to feel anxious. Why? Because it's a risky situation. You also don't want to be mulled by a bear. Anxiety would tell us to flee or to pretend we were more significant than the bear. Of course, this depends on the bear.  But we're not always in the woods. Sometimes, we're in a classroom getting ready to give a presentation. It's normal to feel apprehensive in situations like those. But suppose the uncomfortable feelings in your body, like clammy hands, heart palpitations, or tightness in your chest, are getting in the way of you living a peaceful and productive life. In that case, it may be time to seek professional therapy.

Keli Hemingway, LCSW-S is a counselor who specializes in anxiety treatment and can assist you in this situation. Starting anxiety therapy with an experienced anxiety therapist can be beneficial. Whether you suffer from social anxiety, are paralyzed by terror before school tests, or avoid things because of fear, anxiety treatment can support you while isolating the root of your anxiety.

An Overview of Mental Health Conditions Related to Anxiety

Anxiety, once again, can be a beneficial emotion. Being afraid of harmful things is what keeps you alive. However, it becomes a problem when it interferes with your ability to experience life fully.  If you are experiencing the “fight,” “flight,” or “freeze” response when it’s not appropriate, perhaps now is the time for therapy.

Here’s a list of anxiety-related conditions:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (anxiety is present almost all the time)

  • Anxiety disorder, in general, is present almost all the time

  • Anxiety Attacks

  • Specific phobias (for example, heights, airplanes, germs, enclosed places, spiders, and so on)

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety condition

  • Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)

  • Anxiety condition associated with separation

  • Hypochondria

  • Trichotillomania

Why should you begin anxiety treatment?

Keli can assist you in dealing with anything life throws at you.  Sometimes life stinks, and it seems like things will never get better. This may be one of those instances. Most people seeking anxiety treatment feel lost in life, unsure how to navigate the fear and the intrusive thoughts. Maybe you can relate. Maybe you cross items off your to-do list, but you never feel like doing anything or getting enough done. Or you know you'd be happy if things changed, but staying the same feels safer and more comfortable.  Feeling stuck in a vicious circle and constantly worrying is exhausting, and you long for a chance to be present and content in your current life.

Are You Worried? Have panic attacks or signs of stress? Do you feel like the top of a spinning top?

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You are constantly worried and never feel at ease.

  • Your life has an incredible schedule that prevents you from resting, but you also need to figure out what to do with your free time.

  • Dread, fear, weird ideas, and the sensation that your heart is jumping out of your chest.

  • Your family and friends frequently encourage you to "relax," or “chill out,” or "stop worrying so much.”

  • You get the impression that everything must be perfect all of the time for you to relax. You have panic episodes that make you feel like you are having a heart attack.

  • You suffer from workaholism, overachieving, and never feeling good enough daily.

  • You've had panic episodes that made you feel like you were having a heart attack.

  • You are experiencing physical signs of anxiety, such as stomach problems, neck pain, headaches, or tenseness.

  • You are overthinking and overanalyzing everything you do.

  • It feels impossible to sleep at night since your mind is racing with everything and anything. "How should I prepare dinner?" "Do bumblebees have wings?" "Did I remember to write that appointment down?"

  • You strive to control your environment, which results in irritation, rage, or overload.

If this describes you, Clear Minds Psychotherapy can help you take control of anxiety. You are not alone.

Anxiety Treatment In Georgetown and throughout Texas

Anxiety treatment in Austin CAN help you lessen anxiety and stress.

With the help of a qualified therapist, like Keli Hemingway, LCSW-S anxiety treatment can help you experience fewer stress symptoms and signs of worry. It is possible to improve your life and feel better. Consider an existence in which you could have a better life: 

  • Stop worrying all the time.

  • You have control over how you react to worried thoughts.

  • Finally, you can eliminate years of anxiety and panic attacks.

  • Stop allowing anxiety to influence how you live or make decisions.

  • Feel calm in your mind & body.

  • Be able to go where you want to go and do what you want to do.

Anxiety Treatment can help you control your anxiety. Anxiety Treatment assists you in rising above your troubling thoughts and beginning to move toward your ideal life with less stress and more action.

Counseling for anxiety may be able to help even if you are apprehensive and skeptical about starting therapy. Keli Hemingway, LCSW-S has helped folks who constantly worry start feeling calmer without giving up or drastically altering their successful lives and occupations. Over time, her clients frequently learn that it is possible to be productive without working at a frantic, frenzied pace.

Young Women Relaxing Calm on the Couch

Here's a resource to temporarily calm your nervous system and distract your mind when feeling anxious and panicked

First, On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your level of anxiety in your body.

Second, do a scientifically proven breathing technique called 4-7-8. Take a deep breath through your nose for 4, hold for 7, and exhale slowly through your mouth (completely empty your lungs) to the count of 8.  Repeat three more times. 

Third, list five objects you can see.

Forth, list four items you can touch.

Fifth, list three things you can hear.

Next, list two items you can smell.

Finally, describe one thing you can taste.

Counseling for Anxiety Can Help Quiet The Noise

A little anxiety or stress can be beneficial. This is our body's reaction to potentially harmful conditions. So, if you're out in the woods and see a bear, you want your body to feel anxious. Why? Because it's a risky situation. You also don't want to be mulled by a bear. Anxiety would tell us to flee or to pretend we were more significant than the bear. Of course, this depends on the bear.  But we're not always in the woods. Sometimes, we're in a classroom getting ready to give a presentation. It's normal to feel apprehensive in situations like those. However, it becomes a problem when it interferes with your ability to experience life fully. Keli Hemingway, LCSW-S is an anxiety counselor who can assist you in this situation. Starting anxiety therapy with an experienced anxiety therapist can be beneficial. Whether you suffer from social anxiety, are paralyzed by terror before school tests, or avoid things because of fear, anxiety treatment can support you while isolating the root of your anxiety.

Anxiety Signs and Symptoms

We all come from diverse backgrounds and have different experiences. As a result, we all react differently to situations. Keli, an anxiety therapist, is aware of this. She’s worked with many folks experiencing many anxiety symptoms.  With this in mind, when delivering anxiety treatment, She has noticed similar themes of anxiety symptoms. Here are some of the most prevalent anxiety symptoms complaints Keli has seen in the last thirty years of being a therapist:

  • “I'm feeling tense. It's as though my body is a massive knot. “

  • “I have a sensation of impending dread or panic.  I feel like many horrible things can happen anytime.”

  • “I have rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and perspiration. It's as though I’m continuously running a marathon. “

  • “I'm feeling weak no matter how hydrated I am.”

  • I'm having trouble sleeping. I’ve been tired all day, yet the moment I lie down, I’m wide awake.

  • “I have an excessive concern over nothing and everything all at once. ”

Keli is an Anxiety Therapist Who Can Help

It can be terrifying to confront your anxieties.  You're concerned about feeling overwhelmed. Dealing with anxiety is recognizing that you're not okay, correct? Yes, it isn't very comforting. However, it's essential to remember that your anxiety therapist is here to help.  Anxiety counselors like Keli will never ask you to do something you aren't capable of.  She will tailor her approach to your worries, symptoms, values, and preferences. Keli Hemingway believes in giving treatment that allows you to discover relief from anxiety as soon as possible. As a result, she has received research-based training in anxiety counseling techniques.  What exactly does this mean? She’ll provide you with anxiety treatment that works!

The S.A.F.E. EMDR psychotherapy protocol is highly effective for transforming anxiety.  CBT is also an excellent tool for anxiety. However, it is more superficial and doesn’t get to the root cause of your anxiety. It does not extinguish and heal the root cause of the problem, so with CBT alone, it will likely return.   By not extinguishing and healing the root cause, it will likely come back sooner than you’d like.  In addition, Keli Hemingway, LCSW uses a gentle type of exposure therapy when it will benefit her clients.   During hypnotherapy, she can expose you to what causes you the most distress and gently, carefully, and purposely position you in circumstances where you feel apprehensive.  This method teaches your mind and body that specific individuals, places, or situations aren't all that frightening and that you can be in those situations and remain calm.  The wonderful thing about exposure therapy during hypnotherapy is that it’s much more comfortable for you. Because, if you think about it, you used to be able to participate in the activities that now make you anxious. So, Keli knows you're capable of succeeding.  Yes, confronting the very things that make you nervous seems terrifying. However, it can be the most effective technique to manage anxiety if done correctly.  During hypnotherapy, you get the therapy of the exposure without overwhelming negative feelings.

I know you’re sick of dealing with anxiety.  It is tough to fight anxiety symptoms.  Fortunately, Keli Hemingway, LCSW-S can help you get control over your anxiety throughout Texas.  She’s available to assist you either online or in person. She can work with anyone in Texas through online anxiety counseling.